Friday, December 11, 2009

Love this site...

I have been watching this site's so neat to watch these ladies grow their business for their cause :) They're hosting a giveaway and I've got my eyes on the non fitted 'peace' T shirt. That's been the theme I've been working on implemeting in my own corner of the world .. trying to create a more peaceful home, life, etc. Click my link here to take a look at Wild Olive Tees

Wild Olive Tees


Merry Christmas!

I haven't been here in a long time... long story ...but the short of it is there was some censorship going on and I felt the need to find another outlet ... where it was truly an outlet. I am thinking that I may make it more secure and come back but back then I was so (*&^%$ - insert choice word) irritated that I just let it be.

Life has been crazy busy with this crew of mine. We've had a (PTL) fairly uneventful year thus far. Ok - uneventful for a family of 5 or 7...I guess it depends on the day. It's definately not boaring. We're getting ready to send one off to college next fall so that's an experience in and of itself. It's amazing how the true point of parenting just smacks you in the face. You're *supposed* to help them grow so they can leave...but it's heartbreaking all at the same time ... even when it's a step-child and not on I get to see on a daily basis.

We've started to be healthier - the bg guy and I. We've made it to the gym not less than 3 times a week for the past 4 weeks. My pants are fitting better but no real loss yet. I never imagined that I'd be the one getting up at 5:30 to work out, it sure feels good. I can see how people get hooked, it's a good stress reliever - I only wish it was easier to go towards the end of the day.

To wrap this up I will leave a picture of us in Colorado in August - we got to watch the sun set over Boulder... what a gift the Lord gave us in seeing the beauty of the mountains and the sunset :) The views were breath taking. My poor boys were just waiting to climb in the mountains and really wanted this place to be it - only it didn't quite work that way. So not all happy faces...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Update ...

Yes, I am looking fabulous, but this is the only Christmas picture I have of my family this year - I spent the night before in the ER with my step-daughter, and the remainder of the night sleeping on the bathroom floor with my puking 2 year old. I then proceeded to go to church to help with a Christmas program where I had NO voice to speak, in the windchill of -41. Upon arriving at church, we were short 3 kids and had the most U-N-I-Q-U-E program in church history ('nuff said). I then brought my boys home to in-laws already at my house... and a mere 24 hours later... I was bowing at the throne - not the kind where one really intends to do any sort of worshiping. I then got to catch my puking step-daughter as she passed out from the narcotics... oh what a memorable Christmas. I am already talking into existance how much better next year will be.

It seems like life has taken over this blogging thing. Christmas was ... umm... crazy... The flu, 43 stitches, ex-wife challenges, 5 kids off of school, traveling, gifts, snow. I really can not even put to words where the last month has gone.

I did want to post and see if any of you have read "The Shack". I did and it seems like that was the one little bit of sanity during all this time. If you have read it, leave me a note with your thoughts, I would love to hear. If you haven't read it I would encourage you to do so. It is an easy, thought provoking read.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Here is the e-mail to cause such a ruckus...I just got this e-mail tonight. Let me tell you the x is greater than 1 ;0) She is one of the 11 - so if you know their contest then you know how much. God is SO GOOD in the blessings He sends ...this was just an added bonus.

There was a contest I thought was pretty cool and I entered on Jessica's blog - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: Sonja Thompson
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 6:45 PM
To: 'Jessica Smith'
Subject: RE: Congrats! Walmart Giftcard Winner!

Holy Bananas Are you serious?!! WO-HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Thank you! thank you! thank you!

Sonja Thompson
1111 Any Ave NE
Smalltown, MN

From: On Behalf Of Jessica Smith
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 5:51 PM
Subject: Congrats! Walmart Giftcard Winner!

Hi Sonja,
You are the winner of the $x00.00 Walmart gift card.

Please send me your address ASAP so I can get the gift card to you as soon as possible.

Thanks! And Congrats again!


Jessica Smith
Follow me on Twitter: @jessicaknows
Skype: JessicaKnows

HERE Is My entry.. Sonja Dec 1st, 2008 at 4:00 pm My best holiday budgetig tip for decorating is to buy decorations the day after the holiday. Shop yard sales or shop at Goodwill/Savers. By spending time at other times of the year you can find fabulous things, easier on your budget and I have found I have a better idea of what I want to use this bargin or that bargin for or where I want to put things because I’m not right in the middle of 85 gazillion other holiday activities.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Mission (almost) complete

We are SOOOO Excited! This past weekend we got to worship in a BRAND NEW church! Our family has put a lot of time into this project! My husband has been volunteering for the past 3+ years working on this with his drafting/design skills and for the past year his construction management skills. Our family felt led to this church and in His timing, it seems that it was all in His perfect design. When we began going to this church we were a family of only 5. We were not aware of ALL the things that were happening in this church. We found out that they were going to meet in the Middle School gym - as the church was no longer (handicap) accessable and it also had some air quality (aka mold) issues. It has been amazing to look back at the ways the Lord has orchestrated this in not only our family but in this tiny town as well. First there was a new parsonage for an unbelievable price, then came a land swap, and the sale of some donated property, and many skilled laborers who've had children in the AWANA program, or people just impressed by what the Lord is doing... then My husband switched construction firms (which brought his daily commute directly in the path of this new church) before the actual building was decided on and before the actual process began. 'Coincidentally' this new firm's specialty is banks and churches. Our family had the privelige of building a new home the summer of '07 (the year prior to the church project) to know some of the ins and outs of what we needed to do, and pick, and plan for. God has been so good during this year plus of volunteer labor hours on Saturdays and weeknights. HE has definately provided for the safety of each and every one of the volunteers as this building came together. I know that the Master himself has been at work and will continue to work in this community. He has been the balm in the many realtionships affected by this project both challenges and opportunities. He has brought so many people together in this work of HIS and HIS church was fabulous this weekend. His name has been and will continue to be glorified by what He has done in this building project, and how he will continue to use the people of his church and this new building. At the beginning there are some 'generations' of men posing by the future site/sign. The little man is mine (Big M) - he was 3 ish when the actual building journey began. He is 4.5 now.

Take a look!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


There is a certain someone asking for pictures for quite some time. I know these are in a crazy order but I'm lacking some blogging skills and the time to perfect them.

The 3 kids below are my cousin, B and little A.

This is big M and I. This is big M in is fort unde the table yesterday.

And here are our two princesses.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Toddlers, ADHD and what not...

I have been a complete slacker when it comes to my blog. At the end of each day I am feeling like a Mack truck took a run over me and then back again. So here's what's going on in my world..

On Monday of this week we went to court (again...) over the 'parenting time' issues with my husband's ex-wife. While I know that it is late in the game to continue arguing over the time the two older kids (17, 13) spend with us, it was related to me in a VERY clear way that my husband would not give up on his kids. While, at the same time I am sure the ex-wife had her anti-dad, poor-me brainwasher in full effect. Those two can not get along. It is either because they are both determined, both love their kids or that some one in particular, who has gone through more than one relationship in the past year can not get her emotional issues in check to let go of her children... oops did I say her? Maybe it's all of the above. No matter how you say it or see it, it is a struggle to be a part of this situation and watch what these two kids go through. It is draining. I will be anxious to hear what the judge says in his ruling after he meets with the kids, especially since they are with her immediately before the judge visit.

My 4 year old has been giving the preschool teacher a run for her money. He has a very demanding sort of personality. Smalley would call it the Lion, or someone else would say Choleric or the 'D' in the DISC system. He's sure of what he wants, sure of who will (and won't) tell him how to do it, get it or what not. So, I have had to be on behavior patrol lately. He's been crying and sulking at every direction that doesn't fit what he wants. So, to the corner he goes... he's gotten down the concept of crying = more time. He is also understanding the concept of TV= privilege. So, progress has been made. It is just one of those times as a mom where he is very needy - and it's not the kind of needy like when they just need a snuggle, it's the not so fun need of discipline.

My 12 year old was diagnosed a few years back with ADHD. Until he was diagnosed I thought this disorder was well, a sad label that was given to busy boys. Now, I have come to know this as something that can affect an entire family. When he's having a off day - he completely monopolizes my attention and time to try and keep him focused as he has NO FOCUS on his own. So, any opportunity that is left open to irritate a sibling, any opportunity to be distracted while doing homework, any thing other than that what he needs to be doing seems to get his attention. Last night, he related to me that he struggled to even pick up the pencil when he's not medicated. I can not even in my most porcrastinating moods imagine a struggle that big at his age. He is in 6th grade this year and it is quite challenging. He spends not less than 1 hour but more like 1.5 -2 hours each night on homework. He forgot his meds again yesterday and a math assignment that should have taken 30 minutes took 4 hours. I was ready to pull my hair out. I kid you not, this was by far the most challenging day in quite sometime.

My 2 year old knows her ABC's - not the song but by sight - I have no idea how she learned this or how I facilitated any of it. It is amazing, we read some books, she has an alphabet bus that says the names of the letters and away she goes. She is so busy and so smart I can hardly turn my back on her, because when I do she: helps herself to my make-up, strips claiming to have to 'potty', or finds what every writing utensil her older siblings have left in her reach and tattoos, embellishes, or signs her signature on something.

Our little buddy "J" who comes here for child care is teething and learning to creep around the furniture all at the same time - if he is not crying over teeth, it's because someone said no. He is not a happy camper.

I am in a busy season a more 'seasoned' friend shared with me ... busy... hmm I would call it more like insane but I guess that comes with the territory. I am finding that the earlier I get up intending on some quiet time to gain some wisdom from the Lord the earlier my kids get up, it seems like a wicked cycle some days. I am so thankful that life does go in seasons and this too will pass. I'm not going to wish it away but try to find more joy in the struggles because I know deep down somewhere there is joy or at least a lesson to be learned.

The verse that has been on my window ledge and my computer screen is Ps. 126: 5-6 (find it here) so that I remember -this time may be hard but there will be singing someday when this planting season is over.

And with that I hope to be back soon...